Adjust settings

Manage basic settings in the Settings app . Swipe down from the clock screen and tap the Settings app to open it. Tap a setting to adjust it. Swipe to see the full list of settings.

Display settings

Brightness Change the screen's brightness.

Screen wake

Change whether the screen turns on when you turn your wrist.

Screen timeout

Adjust the amount of time before the screen turns off or switches to the always-on display clock face.
Always-on display Turn always-on display on or off. For more information, see Adjust always-on display.

Quiet modes

Do not disturb Turn off all notifications.
Sleep mode

Adjust sleep mode settings, including setting a schedule for the mode to automatically turn on and off.

To set a schedule:

  1. Open the Settings app and tap Quiet modes then Sleep Mode then Schedule then Interval.
  2. Tap the start or end time to adjust when the mode turns on and off. Swipe up or down to change the time, and tap the time to select it. Sleep mode automatically turns off at the time you schedule, even if you manually turned it on.

Exercise focus

Turn off notifications while using the Exercise app .

Other settings

Heart rate Turn heart-rate tracking on or off.
Heart zone notifications Turn the heart-zone notifications that you receive during everyday activity on or off. For more information, see the related help article.
Vibrations Adjust your tracker's vibration strength.
Device Info

View your tracker's regulatory information and activation date, which is the day your tracker's warranty begins. The activation date is the day you set up your device.

Tap Device Infothen System Info to see the activation date.

For more information, see the related help article.

Restart device Tap Restart devicethen Restart to restart your tracker.